Dedicated to bridging the gaps in the high-ticket coaching industry so everyone can thrive

Creating Ethical Change

  • Consumers spend $1 Billion on coaching programs per year. Sometimes the end result has been achieved and other times it has not. We aim to educate consumers on what to look for before investing in a coaching program. By connecting with yourself first and consulting others second, you can assess your needs and gain clarity on the resources you want to pursue.

    Harvard Business Review

  • By 2025, 32.6 million Americans will work remotely. As the world is changing, we aim to help subcontractors who work in the high ticket coaching industry create boundaries, practice discernment and vet out companies that align with their values.


  • There are more than 71,000 coaches across the globe. This number is intended to grow as the coaching industry is currently worth $3 billion. We aim to teach founders how to grow sustainably and ethically throughout their sales and fulfillment departments without compromising their revenue or reputation.

    International Coaching Federation (ICF)

Meet Isabella

As an ICF-certified life coach with a strong foundation in both health and marketing, Isabella brings a unique perspective to the coaching industry. Having grown up around businesses, she began working in sales in 2017 and quickly found herself immersed in the high-ticket industry over the last four years.

She’s seen it all—the struggles of students who feel lost, the misleading sales calls that damage trust, the overwhelmed CEO’s navigating fulfillment gaps while managing multiple departments, the subcontractors working 10-hour days with minimal help and broken operational systems that leave clients unfulfilled. But through it all, she discovered her passion: bringing people together and helping to rebuild an industry that deeply transformed her own life in 2020.

Now, she’s on a mission to reunite the coaching community—to bridge the gaps, inspire positive change, and ensure that everyone can thrive.

Core Values


Ethical storytelling is a critical practice that ensures narratives are shared with responsibility and respect. While also honoring those whose experiences are being told.


Bringing to light the stories, experiences, and perspectives of high-ticket coaches, consumers, and workers. Together we can create a brighter future.


We aim to share our life experiences within the industry to heal, educate and inspire change within coaching programs.


Passionate about reconnecting with your thoughts before investing in programs and helping CEOs grow sustainably and profitably through retention strategies.